In the UK, 1 in 8 men will get prostate cancer in their lifetime. Risk increases with age and is even higher for black men and men with a family history of prostate cancer.
If you are aged 45 or over, or have risk factors such as family history of prostate cancer, this test will help identify your PSA levels which if elevated, can be a sign of prostate cancer.
This test is suitable for individuals who have previously been diagnosed with prostate cancer and want to monitor their PSA levels, or those simply seeking a PSA test result to check your health.
What is a PSA test?
A PSA test is a blood test that measures the amount of prostate specific antigen (PSA) in your blood. PSA is a protein produced by normal cells in the prostate and also by prostate cancer cells. It’s normal to have a small amount of PSA in your blood, and the amount rises slightly as you get older and your prostate gets bigger.
Learn more about PSA, the signs of prostate cancer and how a PSA test works – read our helpful Health Hub article on PSA Tests.
What does it mean if I have raised PSA levels?
A raised PSA level may suggest you have a problem with your prostate, but not necessarily cancer. It can also be a sign of a urine infection or prostatitis.
Raised levels can also be caused by certain activities such as recent ejaculation, vigorous exercise, prostate stimulation during anal sex or using urinary catheters.
If your results show an increased PSA level, we recommend speaking to your GP for further analysis and testing. You can also arrange a follow up test, usually best around 6-8 weeks later, to see if it was abnormally increased due to activities like those detailed above.
Your results will be emailed to you within 3-5 days of the sample arriving at the laboratory, so you can take action quickly if needed.
You must be over 18 years old to use this test.
Speak to a Doctor
Discuss your results with a qualified, registered GP at a time that is convenient to you. Simply pay for a GP Consultation when you check out today and we will send you the details of how to arrange your video call – appointments available every day, 8am-8pm.
Don’t wait weeks to see your GP – our service gives you answers and reassurance when you want them.
- No hidden fees
- FREE prescription arrangement*
- FREE referral letter
- FREE fit note if needed.
*Prescription charges may apply depending on your NHS eligibility
Prostate Cancer can be hereditary – do you know your risk?
It’s believed that approximately 10% of prostate cancer cases are caused by genetics.
- In fact, you are 2.5x more likely to get prostate cancer if your father or brother has had it – compared to a man with no relatives with the disease.
- This risk increases further if your father or brother was under 60 when they were diagnosed, or if multiple family members have been diagnosed.
- Plus, if your mother or sister has had breast cancer, your risk can be higher still.
A simple saliva home test kit can determine your genetic risk of developing a range of cancers, including prostate cancer. Knowing your risk means you can take steps to monitor your health, improve your diet or lifestyle, and start regular screening with your local hospital.
Remember – if you have a genetic predisposition to cancer, your children have a 50% chance of it too.
Click the link to find out more about our Genetic Cancer DNA tests and order online today.