PrenatalSAFE 3 NIPT Blood Test


A highly accurate and safe pre-natal blood test, available now in the UK for pregnancies of 10+ weeks.

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The PrenatalSAFE 3 NIPT blood test is a non-invasive test for expectant mothers to check for 3 main health conditions that can affect your baby.

This prenatal blood test checks traces of the baby’s DNA in your blood for:

  • Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)
  • Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18)
  • Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13)
  • Gender Identification – find out the gender of your baby or babies (identical twins and single babies only)


These tests are typically available on the NHS only for high-risk mothers, but with a private test they can be taken by any expectant mother for complete peace of mind. Suitable from 10 weeks pregnancy onwards.

Free post-test genetic counselling is provided for any results which show a positive chance of a condition affecting your baby or babies.

PrenatalSAFE 3 NIPT Blood Test


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