PrenatalSAFE Karyo Plus NIPT Blood Test


A highly accurate and safe pre-natal blood test, available now in the UK.
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The PrenatalSAFE Karyo Plus NIPT blood test is one of the most comprehensive, non-invasive tests for expectant mothers to check for a wide range of health conditions that can affect your baby. It also includes gender identification to tell you the sex of you baby or babies – from only 10 weeks of pregnancy.

This prenatal blood test checks traces of the baby’s DNA in your blood for:

  • Down Syndrome (Trisomy 21)
  • Edwards Syndrome (Trisomy 18)
  • Patau Syndrome (Trisomy 13)
  • Turner Syndrome (Monosomy X)
  • Klinefelter syndrome
  • Jacobs Syndrome
  • Autosomal Aneuploidies
  • Genetic Deletions and Duplications
  • 9 different Microdeletion Syndromes including Prader-Willi, Angelman and DiGeorge Syndrome.
  • Gender Identification – single pregnancies and identical twins


This test is more comprehensive than those offered on the NHS to high risk mothers, and can be taken by any expectant mother, regardless of risk status.

Suitable from 10 weeks pregnancy onwards, and for all single pregnancies.

Free post-test genetic counselling is provided for any results which show a positive chance of a condition affecting your baby or babies.

PrenatalSAFE Karyo Plus NIPT Blood Test


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